vul. Akademika Tupolieva, 1
Kyiv 03062
Krasnikov Vasily
abonent box # 132
Kyev 03062
Derzhavne pidpriemstvo "ANTONOV"
1, Akademika Tupoleva St.
Kiev 03062
Англ. The mark consists of the word "ANTONOV" which is the name of a well-known Ukrainian aircraft designer executed by letters of the english alphabet.
Англ. The name of a well-known Ukrainian aircraft designer.
Англ.Aircraft, airships, motor buses, vehicles for locomotion by land.
Англ.Writing pads, booklets, calendars.
Англ.Toy, sports goods.
Англ.Air transport.
Англ.Engineering effort, design (drawing) effort, engineering design.