Instituţia Publică Oficiul
Naţional al Viei şi Vinului
Str. Mitropolit Dosoftei nr. 126
MD-2004 Chişinău
Instituţia Publică Oficiul
Naţional al Viei şi Vinului
Bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfînt nr. 162
MD-2004 Chişinău
Англ. The trademark applied for registration represents a combined sign; the verbal part of the mark consists of the slogan “WINE OF MOLDOVA A LEGEND ALIVE”; the figurative part represents an image with many meanings: a stylized bird whose wings form a cup resembling a drop; on the background of this, there are several dots that resemble grapes, as well as some bubbles of gas that emanate from the cup.
Франц. Le Vin de Moldavie, Une Légende Vivante
Англ.Wines, products obtained from wine.