bioMérieux Inc.
515 Colorow Drive
Salt Lake City UT 84108
bioMérieux, Trademark Legal Department
F-69280 Marcy l'Etoile
Англ.Chemical preparations for industry and research; chemical reagents and biological preparations for diagnosis, other than for medical use; chemical preparations for scientific purposes; reagents and media for control, detection, diagnosis and analysis of contaminants in industrial, agro-food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and environmental products.
Англ.Reagents and media for medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary diagnostics; laboratory reagents for clinical or medical laboratories; biological preparations for medical or veterinary use.
Англ.Scientific apparatus and instruments for the control, detection, diagnosis and the analysis of contaminants in industrial, agro-food products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and the environment; scientific apparatus and instruments for analysis and diagnosis, other than for medical use; laboratory instruments for scientific uses; software used to process and interpret the results of laboratory instruments for industrial diagnostics and instruments for in vitro diagnostics.
Англ.Apparatus and instruments for medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary diagnostics; laboratory instruments for diagnostic purposes.