Herbacos Recordati s.r.o.
generála Svobody 335,
CZ-533 51 Pardubice
Karel Čálek, patentový zástupce
Nad Palatou 12
CZ-150 00 Praha 5
Herbacos Recordati s.r.o.
Štrossova 239
Англ.Chemicals for scientific purposes; preservatives.
Англ.Cleaning products, medicated soaps; dentifrices and products for mouth hygiene.
Англ.Medicines, drugs; pharmaceuticals for medical and veterinary use, organ products, vaccine materials, serums, blood products; chemicals for medical, sanitary and pharmaceutical purposes; bactericides, fungicides, insecticides; disinfectants; products for countering infection; pesticides and herbicides; tonic and dietetic preparations; dental fillings; plasters; dressing material for surgical use; diagnostic products; poisons.