ELGAS, s.r.o.
Ohrazenice 211
CZ-533 53 Pardubice
JUDr. Matěj Sedláček
Pod Pekařkou 1
CZ-147 00 Praha 4 - Podolí
ELGAS s.r.o.
Ráby čp. 119,
Staré Hradiště
Англ.Measuring instruments, software, apparatus for calculating the amount of gas, apparatus for measuring pressure and temperature.
Англ.Installation and repair of electric machines and apparatus, assembly and repair of measuring instruments, electrical measuring installations and control technology installations, inspection of electric installations, calibration of pressure and temperature-measuring apparatus.
Англ.Project study of electric installations, development of measuring apparatus, software development, development of apparatus for calculating the multitude of gases; measuring and data processing by means of a computer in anti-corrosive protection, activity of a metrological center; verification of measuring apparatus.