Podlaska Wytwórnia Wódek
"POLMOS" Spółka Akcyjna
ul. Frascati 12
PL-00-483 Warszawa
Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak
Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów
Spółka Jawna
ul. Jasna 26
PL-00-054 Warszawa
Podlaska Wytwórnia Wódek "POLMOS"
ul. Kolejowa 10
Англ. Thin and slender bottle, with a matt, slightly coarse, semi-transparent surface, having in the center of its front side an oval transparent field whose longest vertical axis is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bottle; the stylized word "CHOPIN" is drawn on the background of the transparent field; on the other side of the bottle, opposite the oval transparent field, there is a design depicting Chopin's bust on a uniform background; this design can be seen through the transparent front side.