Crustimex Seafood GmbH
Hammerbrookstrasße 47
20097 Hamburg
Dr. Hoffmeister & Bischof
Goldstraße 36
48147 Münster
Crustimex Seafood GmbH
Große Elbstraße 133
Англ.Instant meals and meals, mainly consisting of fish and seafood; caviar and caviar substitutes; fish delicatessen and fish gelatins; fish and seafoods (including fresh-water crustaceans and shellfish and molluscs) in fresh, preserved or tinned form; food and edible or spicing preparations produced from fish, seafood or parts of those, including sushini.
Англ.Sauces as supplement to fish dishes; Japanese fish sauce.
Англ.Living fish and seafood fit for consumption; feedstuffs preparations for animals made from fish and seafood, including fish meal.